"Thank You For Telling Me That" is a portrait project that provokes a conversation and holds space for survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), while advocating for prevention.
I’m using my vocation of photography to create a portrait project called “Thank you for telling me that.” This statement, is the response you should have when someone shares their personal story with you. In this portrait project, I’m holding space for survivors of childhood sexual assault, celebrating resiliency, bringing awareness, starting conversations for parents, and advocating prevention.
Thank you for making it here, and I wish you strength in your healing journey,
-Jeannine Pohl
Resources for outreach, healing, and parents
cmsac.org Central MN Sexual Assault Center
CMSAC provides free and confidential services to all survivors/victims and concerned persons of sexual violence. If you wish, you may obtain our services anonymously. It is your choice on how much and what identifiable information you feel comfortable providing.
cornerhousemn.org Corner House
Where healing begins. Report abuse and prevention training.
cornerstonemn.org Cornerstone
If you’re living in an unsafe situation or are being hurt by someone you care about, help is available. You know your situation best and when you’re ready, we can help you find safe housing and get protective orders to keep someone from harming you.
hope-coalition.org Hope Coalition
Are you or someone you care about struggling with any of these issues?
lovecenteredhealingllc.com Love Centered Healing
Grow from the inside-out through supporting healing and transformation on all levels of their being- mind, body, heart and soul with Feiki and Yoga.
rainn.org Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, online.rainn.org y rainn.org/es) in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense.
Survivingabuse.org Prevention, Justice & Healing
The Foundation of Survivors of Abuse provide hope, encouragement and empowerment to survivors everywhere by leveraging advocacy and education to eliminate the statute of limitations for crimes of childhood sexual abuse.